Yamari Vietnam Didtributor: Add: No. 28, Alley 36 Co Linh Street, Group 7, Long Bien Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi City, Vietnam Tel: 0989.649.965 - Fax: +8424 36370053 Email: yamari.vn@gmail.com
Temperature measurement for process control, examination, and inspection can be assured by using the appropriate secondary standard thermometer, which is traceable to the National Standard. Since JCSS (Japan Calibration Service System) accreditation was granted to Yamari’s Standard Laboratory on August 12, 1994, our certifiable temperature range has been extended several times, most recently from –196℃ to 1554℃. JCSS is in conformity with ISO/IEC17025, and the JCSS calibration certificate may be accepted internationally through ILAC/APLAC MRA. |
■Fixed point calibration and comparison calibration for platinum resistance thermometers. ■Fixed point calibration and comparison calibration for thermometers with indicators. ■Comparison calibration for liquid-in-glass thermometers. ■Fixed point calibration and comparison calibration for thermocouples. ■Fixed point calibration for fixed point cells and fixed point realizing apparatus. ■Comparison calibration for portable calibration baths. |
 |  | Nation's first JCSS accreditation for on-site calibration in the category of Temperature/Non-contact thermometer was granted to Yamari in April 2006. By this accreditation, the traceability of on-site calibration has been established at Yamari for platinum resistance thermometers, thermocouples, and thermometers with indicators in the temperature range from –30℃ to 1100℃. Because no need to remove sensors from system, on-site calibration enables shortening down time of temperature measuring system, increasing efficiency and cost-saving. |